DIGITAL SOLUTIONS for IMPROVING EFFICIENCY within CMC {Chemistry, Manufacturing, Controls}

Our services

Through our properietary Artificial Intelligence 'Platforms' and 'Models', we provide focused solutions improving efficiency within CMC. Apart from CMC, we also provide array of Pharmaceutical and Clinical solutions using our properietory 'SMART' (Schematic Arrangement by Routing Technologies) services in aid of Drug Development and ease a lot of pressure from our clients. 

Artificial Intelligence  for CMC

Our focus is to help bio/pharma companies build/manage
radically more efficient CMC function/processes by
providing an integrated AI-powered platform for CMC
workflows including automated CMC document
preparation for regulatory CMC submissions.
• With an integrated AI-platform, bio/pharma companies
can balance cost, time, quality and quantity in delivering
the best possible outcome for the clinical trials and
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Artificial Intelligence        for Clinical Trials & Services 

Our properietary AI models can do wonders while working with Clinical Trials and Data. We make it so easy that even a medical doctor can get statistical results from live clincal data without the help of a computational expert. We have soutions through our AI to make your trial/s a lot more easy.

Artificial Intelligence for Other Clinical and Pharmaceutical Support services {Drug Safety, Quality, Regulatory etc.}

Our properietary AI models can do wonders while working with all these important support functions for your drug development efforts. With Artificial Intellignce there is a new dawn and we are making it super easy for our clients to do so.

Our team

Our extended team collectively has 150+ years of experience

S Shah Ph.D, RAC 

Founder & CEO

S Sajwan Ph.M, MCA, MBA

Strategic Advisor & Co

J Nahar

Technology Product Advisor

Our Advisors

Dr. Ashok Srivastava MD/Ph.D 

Clinical & Scientific Advisory

Dr. J. Hebner Ph.D, RAC

Advisory - Chemistry, Manufacturing, Control & Quality

Dr. Shanta Chawla MD

Clinical & Scientific Advisory

Our 'Simplest AI' System Design

Our experience & expertise

Our team collectively has 150+ years of experience in pharma, clinical, regulatory and technological sciences towards new age drug development nuances including sophistication of artificial intelligence and its impact on future drug developments.

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